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Business Continuity Solutions

How To Design Business Continuity Solutions

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In the face of unexpected disruptions, having a sound Business Continuity Plan (BCP) is crucial to preserving your organisation’s operational integrity. By developing adaptive strategies and solutions, companies can ensure that business operations are not severely impacted during a crisis event. Below, we shed light on how to design robust business continuity solutions.


  1. Conduct a Business Impact Analysis (BIA):

One of the fundamental steps in designing business continuity solutions is conducting a comprehensive Business Impact Analysis (BIA). This process involves identifying and evaluating the potential effects of interruptions to your business operations. The objective here is to pinpoint the essential functions of your business that are crucial for its survival.

Three key aspects to consider while conducting a BIA are:


Identify and Assess Critical Business Processes:

Start by identifying critical business processes that are vital for the day-to-day functioning of your business. For example, it could be your IT system, production line, or customer service operations. Assess the consequences of these processes being disrupted. This requires an in-depth understanding of your business operation.


Evaluate Financial and Non-financial Consequences:

Determine the financial impact for your business if critical operations were interrupted. This might include assessing lost revenues, regulatory fines, compensation costs, or potential contractual penalties. Beyond financial consequences, think about non-financial issues that can have long term effects, like damage to your brand reputation, customer loyalty, and employee morale.


Understand Recovery Time Objective (RTO):

The RTO is the acceptable amount of time to restore the process after a disruption before it severely impacts the business. Understanding your RTO helps in prioritising the recovery of individual processes and systems, which is essential when resources are limited.

By understanding the integral working aspects of your business and the potential fallout from their disruption, you can begin to shape a business continuity plan that will guide your organisation towards rapid recovery and minimal losses.


  1. Identify and Manage Risks:


A pivotal step in the creation of your business continuity plan is the identification and management of potential risks that could threaten your organisation’s operations. This process forms the backbone of your strategy as it allows you to take a proactive approach in foreseeing and preparing for these possible disruptions. Here is a more detailed breakdown of the approach:


Risk Identification:

Begin with a systematic process to identify the potential threats that could impact your critical business operations identified in your BIA. These could be a wide variety of risks – cyber-attacks, natural disasters, supply chain failures, among others. Drawing from historical data, recognised trends, and comprehensive brainstorming sessions can assist in detailing a comprehensive list of these threats.


Risk Assessment:

Once the risks are recognised, the next step is to evaluate each one based on its likelihood of occurrence and the potential damage it could cause. This critical step allows you to focus resources and attention on high-probability and high-impact risks, rather than expending significant resources on less likely or less impactful scenarios.


Risk Mitigation Strategies:

Now that you have identified and assessed the risks, you need to determine how to manage them. Risk mitigation strategies vary from transferring the risk via insurance, mitigating the risk by implementing controls, accepting the risk, and developing contingency plans, or avoiding the risk by changing business processes. The approach may vary depending on the specific nature of the risk and the unique circumstance of the organisation.

Clear understanding and management of risks pave the way for establishing a solid strategy that safeguards your business operations. As part of your ongoing business continuity efforts, regular updates to your risk identification and assessment processes are crucial to ensure your plan stays relevant and efficient.


  1. Develop Your Business Continuity Strategies:


With a clear understanding of the potential impacts to your business and risks at hand, the heart of your Business Continuity Plan – the continuity strategies – can now be developed. The purpose of these strategies is to ensure the continuity of operations and service delivery during disruptive events. Here’s how to go about it in more detail:


Analyse Recovery Strategies:

Understanding what your business needs to function effectively during a crisis is fundamental. This could be anything from ensuring a certain volume of inventory stocks, maintaining critical IT systems complete with data backups, to having an alternate power supply or co-locate facilities ready. Map out your recovery strategies in detail, ensuring that they align well with your Business Impact Analysis.


Diversification and Redundancy:

One common strategy to consider is diversifying your resources, components, or methods of operation. This might involve diversifying suppliers, cross training your employees, or building in system redundancies. By doing so, your operation is not wholly dependent on one element, thus enhancing overall resilience.


Formulate Contingency Plans:

Contingency plans represent your Plan B, the action steps involved if your primary strategies were to fail. This could involve provisions for alternate workspace locations, identifying backup suppliers, or employing remote working arrangements. The aim of these plans is to ensure that critical business operations can continue no matter what circumstances occur.


Resource Allocation:

Successful implementation of your strategies implies that sufficient resources are assigned, including personnel, equipment, and finance. This step involves clarifying roles and responsibilities, along with timelines for actions to be taken.


Sequence of Recovery:

Considering the complexity of business processes, it’s imperative to identify the sequential order in which systems should be restored during a disruption. Outline a specific timeline for the process for efficient recovery.


These strategies underpin your Business Continuity Plan, allowing your business to adapt and respond effectively, minimising the impact of a crisis. Once formed, they should be regularly reviewed and updated to ensure they remain fit for purpose as your business evolves, and new risks emerge.


  1. Form an Incident Response Team:


Having the right people at the helm is crucial to effectively manage a crisis situation. An incident response team plays a critical role in driving the execution of your Business Continuity Plan. Here’s how to form and prepare your team:


Identify Team Members:

Start by identifying who will be on your incident response team. This team typically consists of senior leaders and members from various departments – from HR to IT, Communications to Operations – each bringing their unique expertise to functional areas of the response process.


Define Roles and Responsibilities:

Once you have the team members, clearly define each person’s role and responsibilities during a crisis situation. This could range from making key decisions, managing the communication flow, coordinating recovery efforts, and liaising with external stakeholders such as first responders or the media.


Plan for Redundancies:

Ideally, each role in your response team should have a backup. In a real-life crisis, it’s entirely possible that some of your team members may not be available. Hence, it’s important to ensure that multiple individuals are trained and can step up to perform critical roles if needed.


Equip Your Team:

Ensure your team is equipped not just with skills, but also with tools and resources they need during a crisis. This could be anything from access to emergency communication equipment, necessary PPE, or a round-the-clock working space during certain emergencies.


Conduct Regular Training:

Even the most carefully laid plans can falter if the team doesn’t know how to execute them in a moment of urgency. Robust and regular training sessions can foster a well-prepared and confident team when they’re required to act.


Foster a Crisis Leadership Mindset:

Fostering a crisis leadership mindset within your team can go a long way. Empower your team to make critical decisions during crisis, foster resilience, communicate effectively, and prioritise well in high-stress situations.


A well-prepared incident response team can significantly bolster your organisation’s resilience, efficiently navigating even the most challenging crisis situations. Remember, a team that trains together stands strong together. Regularly reviewing and refreshing these teams’ roles and training ensures an operational readiness to face any adversity.


  1. Develop and Document Your Plan:


Once you have the components of your business continuity solutions, it’s time to compile it into a comprehensive document, which will serve as your Business Continuity Plan (BCP). This document not only directs how a business reacts to a crisis but also serves as a point of reference for everyone involved. Here’s what this step entails in more detail:


Document the Plan:

The BCP document should typically start with an overview of the plan, its objectives, and its governing principles. Following this, include sections that detail the outcomes of the previously discussed processes – the Business Impact Analysis, Risk Assessment, Business Continuity Strategies, and the Incident Response Team.


Outline Clear Procedures:

In the BCP, document explicit procedures for a plethora of potential scenarios your business might face. Ensure that these procedures are easy to understand, accessible and effective. Detail the activation triggers, step-by-step actions, the roles involved, and the resources required for each scenario.


Communication Strategy:

Include a section that outlines how communication will be managed during a crisis, both internally and externally. This should encompass guidelines for keeping all stakeholders informed. Also, consider how will you communicate if your primary channels fail? Outline alternatives in these instances.


Emergency Contact List:

A critical section in any BCP is the list of emergency contacts. This is not only limited to your incident response team members but also includes other crucial contacts such as local authorities and emergency services, utility and service providers, insurance companies, key suppliers, and customers.


Plan Accessibility:

The BCP document should be easily accessible to all relevant parties. Ensuring that multiple copies are stored both online and offline guarantees that the plan remains available even if normal business environments are disrupted.


Confidentiality Considerations:

The BCP often contains sensitive information. Therefore, the plan’s circulation should be controlled and only made available to those who require its information.


Remember, your BCP document isn’t a one-time task. The landscape of threats and your business operations are constantly changing, and hence, the BCP must be a living document, constantly reviewed and updated to maintain its relevance.


  1. Regularly Test Your Plan:


Testing is a vital part of developing an effective Business Continuity Plan (BCP). Without testing, you can’t fully gauge whether your strategies are comprehensive and would work when a crisis arises. Let’s dive into how to test your plan effectively:


Determine the Testing Method:

There are a variety of methods to test your BCP, including walkthroughs, tabletop exercises, partial or full-scale simulations. The method you choose depends on what you’re aiming to test and your available resources.


Set Out Objectives:

Before carrying out any test, set out the objectives that you want to achieve. These could range from identifying gaps in the plan to testing individual elements of the strategy to assessing the effectiveness of the incident response team.


Document the Process:

Detailed documentation of the testing process, including what was tested, how it was tested, who was involved, and the results derived, is essential. It provides valuable insights that you can refer back to when updating and revising your plan.


Agree on a Schedule:

How often you test your BCP could depend on various factors such as the size of your business, the rate of organisational change, and the evolving risk landscape. Generally, a BCP should be tested at least annually, although parts of the BCP might need more frequent testing.


Review and Revise:

After your test, gather everyone involved to discuss what worked and what didn’t. Aim to make improvements and modifications to your BCP based on these findings to ensure that your plan is as effective as possible.


Remember, every test, in every form, provides an opportunity to learn, refine, and improve. Perfection is not the ultimate goal during test exercises – it’s about finding vulnerabilities and fixing them before a real-life crisis hits. The prime objectives are to learn, enhance readiness, and strengthen your organisation’s resilience.


  1. Review and Update Continually:


The last but equally crucial step in designing a business continuity plan is continuous reviews and updates. A business environment is not static; as it evolves, your business continuity plan should evolve with it. Let’s see what this step involves in more detail:


Regular Check-ups:

Incorporate a regular review of your entire business continuity plan into your business calendar. The frequency may vary based on nature of business and apparent threats, though a good rule of thumb is at least once a year or when major changes occur in the organisation.


Following Changes in Operations:

If your business experiences significant changes, a review of the business continuity plan is necessary. For instance, if operational processes change, a new branch opens, a new software solution gets implemented, a merger or sale occurs, or new threats emerge in the industry. All these factors can have implications on your existing plan and must be considered.


Post-incident Review:

After an incident occurs, hold a debrief meeting to glean insights from the team involved. This should aim to identify what worked and what didn’t in the plan and then take appropriate steps to improve.


Update as Needed:

If reviews or real-life situations indicate gaps or weaknesses in your plan, it’s pivotal to not only note these down but to update your plan accordingly. An out-of-date plan can cause more confusion than relief in a crisis situation.



Once revisions have been made, don’t forget to communicate the changes to everyone who needs to know. Make sure everyone who has a copy of the plan updates their version to the latest one.



Designing a comprehensive business continuity plan can be challenging, but the reward of maintaining business as usual in the face of crisis is invaluable.

At RiskLogic, our team of experienced consultants helps organisations build robust and resilient plans that mitigate risks and uphold operational integrity, even in the face of adversity. So why wait until disaster strikes? Let us help you build a resilient future, get in touch today.


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